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Perspectives on Chicago Gun Violence

About the Project

The Perspectives on Chicago Gun Violence project allowed CGVRC Graduate Student Fellows to conduct interviews with key stakeholders of Chicago gun violence, gaining a diverse perspective on gun violence and organizational efforts to prevent it. CGVRC Fellows posed the following questions during the interviews:


  1. Could you tell us who you are?


  1. Can you describe your personal perception of gun violence in the neighborhood?


  1. What do you think generates gun violence in your neighborhood?


  1. What is being done in the neighborhood to address gun violence?


  1. Thinking of the city of Chicago as a whole – how can we prevent gun violence?


  1. What do we need to know to better understand gun violence?


  1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic that things will get better – that Chicago is on the right track?


  1. How does your organization help the neighborhood in general, not just with respect to gun violence?


These interviews provide an in-depth and candid perspective on gun violence from a diversity of stakeholders. The ideas expressed in the Perspectives on Chicago Gun Violence project are those of the interviewees. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the CGVRC its members, or its funders.


The CGVRC was funded through support from Sinai Urban Health Institute, the Shure Charitable Trust, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, and United Way of Metropolitan Chicago



"They really got to listen to people's concerns.. Quit talking, just action..."

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 6 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Dwayne Daniel
Program Manager 

Kennedy King Community College

To read the interview, click here


"A lot of our young people in Chicago think that  everybody in the country goes to seven eight funerals before the age of 15..."

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 7
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Christopher Crater 
Social Emotional Learning Specialist 

Urban College Preparatory High School 
To read interview, click here

"Sometimes you just gotta listen. Sometimes you just have to be an open ear.."

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 12 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Charles Montgomery, Donnell Robison, Demeatreas Whatley
Violence Interrupters

Cure Violence 

To read the interview, click here


"It's not really about boxing, it's about investing. When a kid is messing up, do we just let them go? Or do we give them another change and continue?"

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 13 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Sylvia Del Raso
Board Treasurer 
Chicago Youth Boxing Club

To read the interview, click here


" I think proximity and locality transcends race, transcends everything..."

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 9 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Phil Sipka
Founder of Kusanya Cafe
Kusanya Cafe
To read the interview, click here


" Each community needs to unify, we gotta start within our own neighborhoods."

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 16 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Jorge Rogue 
Little Village Community Member
To read the interview, click here


“One of the drawbacks with federally funded housing is that your criminal background can sometimes eliminate you from housing opportunities.”

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 4 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Dominique Davis
Resident Services Manager 

Mercy Housing Lakefront

To read the interview, click here

"You have to address the issues of mental health at all levels”

Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborate
Interview no. 17 
Topic: Perspective on Gun Violence 

Richard Juarez
Little Village Community Member

To read the interview, click here

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